domingo, 18 de março de 2007


Why is there a need to change? Life was moving so smoothly in Dubai, everything was going well... but Vicente wanted to change, to move, to look for something new to do! It is a 'viral' effect that takes hold of me every 2 to 3 years. From Brazil to Switzerland, to Florida, back to Switzerland, than to Brazil, on to Guatemala, briefly to the Maldives, years in Barcelona and London, a stint in Berlin and 3 years in Dubai!!!

Being free to change your life is quite a liberating feeling. However changing is not easy. Moving from one country to anther, changing the language, the habits, friends, currency, work takes a lot of effort. This is why it has taken me over 3 months to come back to a blog and write!

Since leaving Dubai my mind was busy with thoughts, feelings, there was just too much going on inside and outside. I just lost control of it all. Little by little, day by day life starts taking shape and we get used to a new reality. I always say that I have had so many reincarnations in one life and this is just another one! And knowing me it is a fact that in a few years I will be changing again!

So now I live in Curitiba, where I grew up. A city in southern Brazil. By no means a small town. With almost 2 million people it is far bigger than Dubai, twice the size of Zurich. But life here is not as cosmopolitan as over there. It is a place settled by Europan peasants and later from new rich people from the countryside. Therefore the mentality is quite 'close minded' even though it is a reasonable city to live in the chaos of Brazil. The garbage is collected, the clocks work, traffic is still acceptable and the place is green. When I start craving for civilisation I fly 45 minutes to Sao Paulo and once every 3 months I want to go abroad to breath fresh air.

With this blog I want to keep you, my friend living abroad, updated with my life and to tell you more about myself, my experiences in life and plans. Hopefully this will be a tool to keep us closer!

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